Nagy örömünkre szolgál, hogy turistaként városunkat választotta. Válogasson településünk gazdag látnivalóiból, eseményeiből.
Visiting Budapest for a few days? Let's visit Veresegyház too! Not far from the Capital (only 25 km), there is a city with scenic and peaceful lakes and beautiful countryside town atmosphere. We have an uniqe zoo in Central-Europe, the BearHome and FriendlyZoo with wild and domesticated animals.
The city has is own magic, the traditional open air marketplace, two times a week (on Wensday and on Saturday) and after a good shopping You could visit the Thermal Bath or the swimming pool to regenerate . All these experiences can enchant the visiting guests.
We will inform You here until the native english tourism website is under construction. We will collect infos and recommendations about the nearby sightseeings, events and programs, just for help You to get to know our little city and the nice and friendly people who lives here!
We waiting for You! See You Soon!
Ajánlott linkek - Hot links:
Szentlélek templom - New catholic church
Programok, koncertek, kiállítások - Programs, concerts, exhibitions
További látnivalók a környéken - More Sights of the region
Gödöllő Royal Palace,
National Botanical Garden, Vácrátót
Lázár Equestrian Park
Mogyoródi Aquaarena
Közöségi oldalak - City Social Media
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